Stop Smoking Programs – Advice For Smokers To Quit For Good!
There are several stop smoking programs, but for millions of smokers, for reasons that they find strange, none of these work. But I am going to tell you that none of this is really a mystery.
Smoking termination programs aren’t the answer. I know as a former smoker who has not had a cigarette in at least three years. I tried a slew of stop smoking programs, as well as nicotine gum, cigarette rationing, and switching to lighter and lighter smokes, but nothing worked for me. The reason was that stop smoking programs aren’t really the answer.
No, I am not going to pitch some fresh product, or revolutionary fresh program to end smoking. Come on, keep reading I don’t have anything to sell you. The simple truth is the only way to stop smoking is to just discontinue. That’s it. No stop smoking programs, no incentive systems, no rules about only smoking with friends, or only smoking one day a week, or only smoking on days you sleep in or are hung over. None of this works.
Whatever stop smoking programs tell you, the thing that is hard about not smoking is the...