If you are like me, or I should say, as I once was, then you probably buy a monthly allotment of supposedly fresh leads of people who are looking to start a home business. You then sit and get your script ready and probably modify it and re-modify it and then sit with your hand on the phone drumming up the courage to pick it up and dial the first number. The fear is something most of us have to conquer and is of course the fear of rejection. There are thousands of people out there who would have been able to start and run a successful business had it not been for this fear. When you finally do work up the courage and call and are lucky enough to get in touch with a live person, they end up either being angry for being called for the 20th time today, or they want to start a business and don’t want to sacrifice the time or the money necessary to build one. This type of rejection over and over can kill the spirit of a new business builder and cause them to close up shop before they have even got started. There fortunately is a solution.
We are told that we have to sort and sift, work the numbers, look for diamonds in the rough. In the 8 years I have been in Network...