Stop Working for Google and Start Making Google Work for You
You need traffic, and Google can give you traffic. There are two ways that Google can send traffic to your site: an expensive way and a free way. I’m going to show you how to make Google give you traffic for free.
You don’t want just any traffic, you want TARGETED traffic. For those not familiar with the terminology, targeted traffic refers to clicks to your website from people who are actually interested in the topic of your site. Your marketing will be much more effective if your clicks are targeted. Here is an example of targeted marketing. Imagine a salesman who is trying to sell dental chairs. He puts together a flyer describing the great benefits of his particular brand of chair, and he decides to give the flyers to people. Which group of people do you think will respond better to his flyer – a group women at a scrapbooking convention, or a group of dentists at an American Dental Association meeting? It’s a no brainer! But better yet, what if he went to a seminar called, “How To Start Your First Dental Practice From Scratch.” These guys are already in...