Mom, Im, too sick to go to school today. We joke about feigning illness to avoid school, but the illness is not always feigned. Stressors that students face each day can be just as detrimental as those faced by their parents. Yet stress management for students is not as readily available as is stress management for adults.
Charts purporting to show who is affected by stress list occupations. On a scale of 1 to 10, police officers rate 7.7 and teachers rate 6.2 but students are not rated. Student is not considered an occupation. Online searchers type in a phrase such as teachersjob + stress reduction and get a fair response. Type in stress management for students, and the response is far less.
Too Sick to Go to School?
Stressors can and do make students sick. Stressors call forth the fight or flight response, and the body immediately prepares. It pours forth extra supplies of adrenalin for short-term survival. It puts functions like bowel activity on temporary hold. It redirects blood to muscles. It dilates the eyes pupils in order to detect slight movements. The heart speeds up its delivery of oxygen to muscles. All this and more occurs in a matter of...