Stress Relief Techniques For A Preschool Child Part One
Many years ago, children from birth to four or five years of age exercised natural preschool stress relief. Training in preschool stress relief was both unknown and unnecessary. Stay at home mothers never worried about trying to increase self-concept in their preschool children. They did not work to instill artificial coping skills and specialized anger management skills in pre-schoolers. Common sense dictated preschool stress relief efforts.
In the twenty-first century, however, many who themselves mismanage stress are seeking stress relief techniques for a preschool child or children. I have been appalled, both as teacher and principal, to see the negative, detrimental changes since I began my career. While we struggle to instill greater measures of preschool stress relief, we actually increase stress on young children.
From my viewpoint as career educator of more than 30 years, I would like to address the issue briefly. What are or should be appropriate preschool stress relief techniques?
Defining Preschool Stress
Preschool stress is the response of a preschool child to physical,...