Learn to recognise the signs before you end up in a crumpled heap!
Stress – its part of life isnt it? Stress is good!
We subject ourselves to stress all the time, we need some stress, at work and in our daily lives. Without pressure and stress we would simply get nothing done, we wouldnt achieve anything! Stress is a positive force when it invigorates your life and enables you to realise your dreams. So, the more, the better then?
Well, think about it for a moment and be careful what you wish for. Just as we need oxygen in the air that we breathe to survive, pure oxygen will kill us. So it is with stress, we need some, but at what point does stress then becomes counter productive and a destructive force in our lives?
How do YOU perceive stress?
Do you need the Buzz of that last minute deadline?
Do you get a Rush from the responsibilities of a high-pressure situation?
Do you get a High by creating a situation that produces anger or fear?
Do you say to your workmates I thrive on stress?
Do you live in fear for your job?
Do you Worry constantly about your abilities at work?
Do you Fear competition at...