Whether youre looking for new agents or new clients, the key to finding them is effective prospecting. There are numerous ways to go about prospecting. Some of them are active methods, while others are passive. Active prospecting methods are things like Personal Observation, Public Speaking, Agent and Client Referrals, Networking, and Centers of Influence, while passive methods include using the internet, newspaper advertising and direct mail campaigns. Both passive and active prospecting will produce results, however they differ in efficiency and effectiveness and understanding those differences will make all the difference to you and your results.
Passive methods are easy to implement, but are actually pretty inefficient. They attract 1) tire kickers, 2) people looking for a job, 3) price shoppers, and 4) people simply looking for a way to make money. Please understand, these methods do produce results and can uncover fantastic people who become great agents or clients, but generally the quality of results is poor. When these methods are implemented, plenty of activity is generated, but few prospects become agents or clients. The passive methods appear to be very...