Binary comparison can be called as the process by which the similarities of two different digital data are found out. It is the common method used to find out the similarities of two data by the way of comparing it bit by bit. Take for example that a person reads through two different word files and finds out that both of them are exactly identical by in the sentences and the words. The main thing to notice is that these files could be in different formats. Thus, through a binary comparison the two files are compared on the basis of their structure. Binary files are those files that mostly contain only digits and not text or images. Thus, these files are also called as data files. Comparison of data files is important when one has to tally things and match two different sorts of data. Binary comparison eases the job as even files in different formats can be compared to each other.
It is increasingly becoming very difficult to compare the various files as it takes a lot of time. Thus, with the development of the computer technology, all this work has been set aside for the computer machines. There are a lot of softwares that have been developed for this purpose. The...