Since education has become very expensive, students are turning to student credit cards. When allowances from home are not enough to cover for the expenses in college, student credit cards can help augment a students budget.
A student credit card is especially designed for students. This is a secured credit card which provides control over the expenses and prevents debt accumulation. The student credit card may cover for anything that the student needs. Many resort to this since student loans in schools usually do not cover expenses not related to school such as groceries, laundry expenses, transportation and many others.
The way a student credit card works is the same as any credit card in the market although the student card has some restrictions in comparison with the non-student credit cards. Application may either be through direct application to the credit company or through online services. Either way, the applicant must be at least 18 years old, should have a valid Social Security number and must be a college or graduate student.
In online applications, the student must furnish the following information: name in full, date of birth, citizenship...