Within this article today on student credit card apply online, we will look at a couple of different cards that will benefit show for those of you who are working towards your degree. Whenever you are looking at getting a credit card though, there are certain factors that you should way, no matter what type of card it is.
These factors are: interest rate, security, rewards, and any annual fees. The interest-rate is important because if you carry a balance every month you are going to be paying a certain amount of interest. This is often calculated by the number of days that the credit card cycle runs times the annual percentage rate. This can often be confusing so if you have a question about this, make sure to call and ask the credit card company before you apply for the credit card. Often if you are late this can cause you a late fee of somewhere between 30 and $40. Secondly, make sure that there is good security for the cards or some sort of fraud happens, you are not held liable and it is investigated immediately. There are many cards without annual fees and some of these have rewards so try and find something that will benefit you for using the card without...