This article will talk about the necessities of managing your student credit card. If you have read some of the other articles, you have seen that it is important to manage your credit cards. This article will talk about how high the student credit card debt level is.
Let’s start with the undergraduate years. Using Nellie Mae as the source (largest provider of student loans in the United States), the average student comes out of college with roughly $2200 in credit card debt. If you are a graduate student, the figure jumps to $5800. To look further at the American household, the average credit card debt is a little less than nine thousand dollars.
Why were those numbers given straight off in this article? What kind of pattern can you see when you look at those numbers? Here is what you should see: the bad habits which began as an undergraduate continued into the graduate years and into the working years. The student credit card debt balloons eventually to almost nine thousand as an average with many households coming in at higher numbers than the nine thousand dollars. There are bad financial habits which are in place and are never corrected.
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