Just as the term itself suggests, student credit cards are credit cards meant exclusively for students, many of whom are yet to earn a documented income with employment. Credit card issuers are mindful of students and their credit challenges so they make accommodations for students when building student credit card offers specifically. Typically, the only constraint when applying for a student credit card is the age of the student, and as mandated by the law of the country, which is typically 18 years old and above at the time of application. In many ways, a student credit card is very similar to traditional, run-of-the-mill credit cards. But the major difference, is the standard APR, or interest rate, levied for card purchases, which is relatively higher than a traditional credit card APR.
Credit Card Use & Credit Score
Student credit cards provide more financial flexibility for young students. But, while it may come in handy when paying the rent, paying tuition, purchasing books, and other necessary items like food and clothing, unbridled card swiping can sometimes lead to financial trouble, especially in the form of poor credit scores and damaged...