Student credit cards can be a great way to start a student down the path of financial independence and becoming a responsible adult. Many parents of students decide to open up credit card accounts for their children or to add them to their own personal accounts. But, another great option is to help the young adult get his or her own personal student credit card.
Why Should I Get a Student Credit Card?
Since a student credit card is in the young adult’s name, it helps to start building credit. The longer a person’s credit history, the better his or her credit score. Therefore, the earlier a person can start building that credit history, the better. Conversely, college student with access to his or her parent’s account can adversely affect the parent’s credit rating if large debts are accumulated. So, not only do credit cards for college students help them build a credit history and learn financial responsibility, it also protects the parents.
Why do Credit Card Companies Offer Special Student Credit Cards?
Obtaining your first credit card can be difficult, particularly if you want to get a decent APR. Credit card...