Everybody knows that university can be an expensive time of your life. It is usually three or four years of living in rented accommodation, paying university fees, for books, for all your educational needs, and for all your other living expenses, without properly earning anything at all for the entire period. University costs thousands of pounds these days and you will probably have to fund the entire period either from money provided by your parents, if you are lucky, or money borrowed.
Most students, who have to move away from their parents home for study, will rent their accommodation. You can usually choose between renting from your university o renting from the private sector. Renting from university has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, you will be living in halls which has a reputation for being noisy and maybe a little less conducive to study than a university provided accommodation should be. But on the other hand, you will probably be glad of the opportunity to socialise and meet new people. You will have a lot of students similar to yourself around you and you will be able to get to know all of them very quickly.
Halls also give you the...