A federal student loan consolidation program is a federally regulated loan that allows you to combine all of the existing federal loans you received for your education into one new single loan. When you do a student loan consolidation, the new lender will arrange to have all your existing loans fully paid off and issue you one new loan. Generally there are no application fees or credit checks required for consolidation loans and by consolidating your loans you can benefit in the following ways:
Lower monthly payments. By consolidating your federal student loans, you can take advantage of lowering your monthly payments which will give you more money to use for other expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, food and car expenses, utility expenses, and credit card payments. Depending on your balances, you might be able to reduce your monthly payments up to 45%.
One payment per month. If you currently have loans with multiple lenders, you know the hassle of having to write several checks per month, each for a different amount and to a different lender. By consolidating, you eliminate the need to make multiple monthly payments. You will only have to write one...