Did you know that there are numerous programs available that will actually pay off all or part of your college loans? Student loan forgiveness isn’t a myth. Many of these programs aren’t widely advertised and most people who are eligible don’t even realize that they qualify to have thousands of dollars wiped off the balance of their educational loans.
Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers
The Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program will repay up to $17,500 toward college loans for qualified teachers. Full time teachers with an outstanding FFEL or Direct loan balance on or after October 1998 qualify for $5,000 worth of college loan repayment after 5 consecutive years of service.
Student loan forgiveness at the increased amount of $17,500 is available to qualified borrowers who teach full time in the field of mathematics or science at an eligible secondary school or who provide special education to students with disabilities.
Student Loan Forgiveness for Non-Profit Child or Family Services Agency Employees
In an effort to attract and retain more highly trained early childcare professionals, the federal...