When you begin applying for colleges, you will find that tuition and boarding fees are extremely expensive. Unless they are independently wealthy, few people can pay for college outright. If you do not qualify for scholarships, financing your education can seem virtually impossible, even with the help of regular financial aid grants. However, there are many low interest student loans available for students that qualify for them. Rather than putting off your education, you can borrow money and defer payment until your have graduated and have found a full-time job with which you can pay back what you owe.
The first step toward applying for student loans is to fill out a financial aid application form called the Federal Application for Student Financial Aid. Once you have been accepted to a college or university, you will be sent a packet of financial aid information. You will be asked to provide your own and your parents financial information so the aid agency can assess your need and your ability to pay. There are many government based grants, like the Pell Grant, that give money to low-income students and their families with no obligation to ever pay it back. However,...