Student Loans For College: Don’t Put Your Eggs In One Basket
Being accepted to a college is often the highlight of a High Schooler’s dreams. Going through the testing and applications process, and then waiting for replies on those applications often make up a great part of a senior year in High School. Then comes the day that the letter arrives in the mail, and everyone gathers around to see whether you’ve been accepted or not.
You’ve been accepted! Great! Congratulations are offered, celebrations held, and then, suddenly, reality settles in. What’s this college education going to cost and how are students, their parents, or other relatives going to help finance it? Today, more than ever, students entering college, as well as returning college students, are opting to obtain one or more student loans for college. While this may take some of the stress off Mom and Dad as far as tuition costs are concerned, it’s an entirely new ball game for everyone.
A college loan is just like any other private loan, with one major exception. A student loan doesn’t have to be repaid until the student has graduated from college. A...