Each year, a majority of students leaving college come home close to $20,000 in debt, not including the student loans. One of the main reasons students come home in debt is because of the majority of credit card offers on campus. Since credit cards arent a bad thing, it all comes down to the person that is in charge of using them.
A credit card is only bad if you abuse the powers. If a student is going to go out and purchase things he/she cant afford, they will soon find out that they will be over their head in no time. The main reason this is, is because they dont physically hand of the money. Instead, they hand a plastic card over that has no value.
There are many ways to control your debt but the first thing it comes down to is the person using the credit card. If a person can accept their responsibility and be able to control their spending habits, youll be past the hardest step in no time.
In order to achieve these first two goals, there are other optional steps that you can take in order to stop your debt in no time. If you follow these steps and use them religiously, you will find your net worth will go from the gutter to the positive side in no...