If youre applying for your first credit card or youve possibly already have applied for one, you may have found that when you applied for your first credit card that you made the mistake of not doing your research. Just like a purchase, a credit card application is very similar, where if you dont do your research, you may not get what you wanted.
In order to find which credit card fits your needs, youll have to ask yourself a few questions before you start looking for that perfect credit card. After you browse through the next few questions, it should help you better understand what kind of credit card will best suit you.
What do you do a lot of?
When you ask yourself this question, you also have to ask yourself these questions as well, Do you drive a lot?, Do you shop a lot?, and Do you travel a lot via airliners? This will give you a good idea on what kind of credit card you want to apply for.
It basically comes down to this. Credit card rewards generally vary in a few forms. You have your gasoline rewards, airliner rewards, travel rewards, and your point rewards. The most common form is point rewards. This is where you receive a point with...