When I first started out online, like many newbies I was overwhelmed by the amount of free knowledge and learning that was available just by signing up to a free newsletter or e-course, and so thats what I did
a lot.
As I went about my daily surfing I took every opportunity to subscribe to 10 Steps To This and 7 Ways To That
And what about the free downloads? It is a well known list building technique to offer a free e-book as an incentive to release your name and email address, and while this is a perfectly legitimate system, what it does is add fuel to the fire of your enthusiasm.
In the beginning I found all these newsletters to be a great way to access information and find out what the next big thing was or to get some free tips on how to improve my ad copy or grow my list. But as time went on I began to notice a few things.
Many of the lists that I belonged to started to send out very similar content in their newsletters. I found that as soon as I had just finished reading about why I should visit this site and sign up for X I would have another email from another guru advising me to do exactly the same thing.
While this did help to...