There is a great quote that goes “Time is God’s way of keeping everything from happening at once” and perhaps this is key to our understanding of why things are the way they are. Time is there for us to experience and through that experience, learn and grow. Our limited sensory perception allow us only to experience events one at a time. We then memorise these events and from these memories are able to predict the consequence of certain actions. The concepts of past and future become firmly embedded in our psyche. The problem is that we have been duped into believing they are absolute truths. The mind becomes our driving force, using time to control our lives!
Instead of fully experiencing the moment and all it has to offer we tend to spend most our lives either dwelling on the past or projecting into the future. Very little mind activity is concerned with the now. Yet, isn’t this the only time things are done? If we are constantly being dragged away from the task at hand by subtle and intrusive time related thoughts are we not letting the mind control us rather than us control the mind? Isn’t our attention diverted from doing the very best...