I submit articles to a lot of article directories. A lot of the articles are my own, but most of them are ghostwritten for clients. Isnare and other article directories do an ok job of tracking how many views your article has had at their directory, but that’s where it stops.
Plus, once you submit to any article directory, how do you know where else that article was reprinted? Clients ask me about this all the time.
Sure, you can search for your article title in Google and get a lot of results and sift through them to find which search engine listings are your article and which are just web pages that are related to the same phrase used in your article title, but is that the best method for tracking how well your articles are doing out there?
Submit and forget is the normal approach taken to article marketing. You just keep producing new articles and have “faith” in the system and that your articles are getting widespread distribution. For years, this was the approach I took to article marketing as well.
Since then, we have developed ways to do more with the content that we wrote or paid to have written for us.
For starters,...