What are websites? Are they sales tools for vendors and service providers, or are they electronic guidance for potential customers? Put simply, are you selling or are you helping?
Your answer to this question may determine the success of your website. So think carefully
How we define what a website is all depends on which side of the fence were on. I suspect that most if not all vendors and service providers would say their website is a sales tool. But this is a fundamentally flawed perspective. Adopt this position, and sooner or later youll pay for it.
To really understand what a website is for, we need to think about who the Internet serves. Its tempting to think cynically and argue that it serves commercial interests, but thats getting the cart before the horse. The Internet serves buyers and information seekers. Thats what most people use it for.
What your visitors are really looking for is a website that helps them. A website that helps them buy when they want to buy. Helps them understand when they want to understand. And most importantly – a website that helps them decide when they want to decide.
So if you really want to build...