Sudoku is a logic based puzzle, somewhat similar to a crossword puzzle, except it uses digits instead of words. The name Sudoku is an abbreviation of a Japanese phrase which means the digits must remain single. It is also sometimes called Number Place or Nampure.
The history of Sudoku
You can find predecessors of Sudoku as early as 1895, when an early version or variant of Sudoku appeared in a French newspaper.
The game now known as Sudoku was not invented until 1979, however, and was actually invented in Indianapolis, not Japan. Sudoku became widely popular in 1986, when the Japanese puzzle publisher Nikoli found and published the puzzle.
The game of Sudoku
Sudoku is based on a graph of squares, nine squares by nine squares. This graph is sub-divided into 9 3×3 squares or regions. The board looks much like 9 tic tac toe games all together.
The game is played by placing digits (1-9) in the squares on the game. Easy enough. The tough part is that each region (3×3 square, each diagonal row, each horizontal row, and each vertical row of squares must contain one of each of the nine digits, but may not have duplicates.