Fortunately, the spring was full of rain and for this the emergency drought and electrical blackouts seem averted.. Anyway, the Italian civil protection ensure that the worst is not yet past and will appear in the next two months, fortunately devoted mainly to holidays and summer vacation.
As every year, however, the indications from various institutions are useful and to respect for oneself but above all for the environment, such as to dole out the water of their water taps.
In particular, for the health of the elderly and children, the authorities always advised to avoid the dehydration by drinking at least 1.5 litres of water a day and avoid the hottest hours of the day, especially after lunch, where the organisation is already involved in digestion. In these terms, another valuable advice is to eat mainly fruit and vegetables strictly cold and in any case to stay light, without to get heavier too.
Usually to avoid, these boiling hours, it is advisable to pass them at home without taking the sun and avoid any physical activity and effort. In particular it is recommended, for who can to install air conditioners to wall and impose these with...