Lack of a proper blood level in human beings is the major cause of the condition known as anemia.
Shortage of blood means erythrocytes or red blood cells will not be produced in the correct quantity.
The anomaly can be rectified with diets. Specifically, diets containing large amount of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
Studies show that some cases of Vitamin B12 anemic condition can lead to permanent brain damage.
The good news however, is vitamin B12 is present in almost all varieties of foods.
So long as you eat meat regularly, even just once a week, you are getting vitamin B12 in your diet.
Eggs, cheese, and dairy products are other examples of foods that contain this essential nutrient.
For vegetarians, fortified cereals and soy products offer plenty of vitamin B12.
But tarry a while, experts say the class of people most susceptible to low level of vitamin B12 intake are vegetarians.
The reason?
These people do not eat any kind of animal products. And some, apart from their disdain of animal products, do not eat fortified grains or cereals.
It is highly recommended that vegetarians should take vitamin B12...