Supporting Your Spouse As They Begin A Christian Home Based Business
Your beloved spouse comes home from another day at the grind and announces, Ive had enough! Im going into business for myself. Before you start hoarding food and stashing money in the mattress, stop and pray.
Remember that God is sovereign and that He will provide for you. This new venture may be exactly what God has planned for your life. Surrender your will to Christ and pray. He may give you a peace that calms your fears and alleviates your concerns. Anxiety is a natural reaction to change, but as Christians we are to fight back with Gods truth.
The changes that come about in your spouse may surprise you, especially if they are following a prompting from God to leave the traditional work force. Pray with your spouse and be honest about your feelings. Discuss your excitement over the possibilities that a new business can provide. Vent your frustrations and fears about the changes and instability that will come in days ahead. Keep the communication open, between you and your spouse, and you and God.
This does not mean putting on a smile no matter what happens and ignoring...