Want to learn to surf but dont know where to start? Surfing lessons are all about taking your surfing to the next level regardless of how much experience — or lack thereof — you may have. Its all about conquering fear, learning water safety, expanding your ocean and wave knowledge, and returning to the true essence of surfing — fun and relaxation!
Youre never too old to learn to surf. People of all ages are drawn to the majesty of our beautiful oceans. If you feel the call of the sun and surf pumping through your veins, its time to find an instructor!
Learning to Surf — Finding an Instructor
The internet is a great place to find instructors and research their backgrounds and qualifications. Regardless of your reason for seeking out a surfing instructor there are a few things that you should consider mandatory: A long history of surfing (preferably professionally to some extent), up-to-date first aid certification, proven (preferably certified) surf rescue experience, and a thorough knowledge of wave, weather and wind conditions (which should be commensurate with the instructors experience, i.e. The more time that theyve been...