If you had to describe bio-identical hormone therapy, which words would you choose? Individually designed hormone therapy? A non-natural means of menopause relief? Or substances that are structurally identical to the naturally occurring substances in the human body?
If you’re not sure which is correct, you have plenty of company. According to a recent survey, conducted by MenopauseRx.com, nearly 40 percent of women misidentified bio-identical hormone therapy as a non-natural means of menopause relief.
Bio-identical therapy is actually a more natural option for relief. Most estrogens and progesterone come from soy (estrogen) or yams (progesterone). Once the hormones are extracted from a plant source, they are processed to be used by a woman’s body.
While there is not one “best” hormone therapy option for all women, the reality is that women are much more responsive to the types of hormones normally found in the body.
These include bio-identical hormones such as estradiol (the primary estrogen produced by the ovary) and micronized progesterone. Women respond to these bio-identical prescription products because they are so...