I was slowed down when my computer crashed and I had no data, no address book and not even my passwords to get back online. I didnt think I was doing anything remarkable by bouncing back to productivity even with this handicap for a week. But from the feedback Ive had from more than a few people, it seems paralysis would have been the acceptable common option.
Yes, I got slowed down, but nothing critical was lost and no appointments missed. Why? Internal reserves, resources and drive. How do you survive in business today without your computer (or maybe its when your cell phone drops in the lake or your Ipod gets lost)?
There were three parts to my personal survival. They are:
A. Resourcefulness — When things dont go your way, you can have a pity party and choose to be paralyzed. Or you can decide to dig in to your reserves and available resources to propel you forward in spite of obstacles. I start with a simple question: Whats the most important thing that needs to be done now and how do I do it (options)?
Its a matter of choosing to get the work done and keeping your priorities in order, or using this problem (any problem) as an excuse to...