Those in charge with caring for an elderly parent or relative will go through physical and emotional hurdles involved with this difficult task. However, with proper knowledge of your choices and proper assessment of the situation and resources available to you, then you should not find it
Surviving Elderly Care
One of the best ways to cope with and survive the challenges of elderly care is to understand their situation. Put yourself in the elder’s shoes and try to understand how they feel about their given situation. You might be puzzled by any untoward behavior exhibited by an elderly person towards you, so you start to assess where that behavior is coming from. When members of the family reach a certain stage in their relationship with one another, trying to understand the emotional, mental, and spiritual changes in the relationship, if ever.
Surviving care for the elders in the family involves not only adapting to the physiological changes in their lives to better assess their needs. However, this need for attention is doubled by the fact that they have certain medical conditions that prevent them from fulfilling activities they normally...