You may think that a credit card is for life but with the level of hot competition among credit card providers these days it has never been easier for people switching credit cards to get a better deal than the one they currently have! So, if your credit card provider is not offering you the best current market conditions, the time may have come for you to consider a switch.
Essentially there are two ways in which you can move your current credit card balance to a new card provider:
* you get an offer (usually in the post) to move your current balance to a new provider offering better terms and conditions than what you currently have;
* you make an application to a new provider and in your application you inform the new provider that you intend to move a balance over from your previous provider.
Either way, once your new card has been approved, you simply switch over the balance of the old card to the new card and then cancel the old card. In fact it could not be made easier for you to move your balance as the new card application form will likely have a space for you to fill in your current details and your new card provider will then...