With overwhelming amounts of information cramming the Internet, it’s harder and harder to find something meaningful every day. Web catalogs such as DMOZ can hardly list a few million sites, when there are literally hundreds of millions of them in the wild. There are almost a hundred billion unique Web pages in existence. It comes to no surprise that this non-structured, hardly categorized crowd can no longer be effectively searched.
Finding a particular site from billions of pages is near impossible statistically. One has to be dedicated and persistent in formulating advanced search queries in order to find the result. You can ‘surf’ the list of returned results, and if you’re lucky, youll find what you need. Want more of the same kind of result? Until today, you had no other choice but to continue surfing.
That’s all changed now. With the release of INTSPEI P-Navigator, you are no longer forced to surf on the surface of the Internet. Dive deep into the depths of mysterious relations and tag clouds, and get more than you even wanted when you started searching!
Based on tag clouds, P-Navigator not only searches better; it...