Of all the great vacations I have been on in my life, none have compared to the Caribbean cruise I got to enjoy with my parents, siblings, husband and children just a few years ago. I’ll admit that I wasn’t too excited about the idea of going on a Caribbean cruise when my parents first bought all of us tickets for Christmas that year. The idea of being confined on a huge boat for ten days just didn’t excite me. I naively expected to be seasick and board for the entire trip and find myself wishing I were anywhere but on that Caribbean cruise.
Fortunately, my preconceptions were totally wrong. While it did take a few hours to get used to the constant motion of the boat, I no one actually got seasick during the entire trip. And I was the furthest from bored that I have perhaps ever been. The Caribbean cruise was filled with more activities than a person or family could enjoy during the ten days. Each person in our party of nineteen people was more than satisfied with the activites and options for enjoying the Caribbean cruise.
One of the greatest things about the Caribbean cruise was that it offered activites, foods and entertainment for literally...