Now one of the most fun and most profitable auctions you can find is misspelled items. You might be able to get a tidy profit of $50 or $70 dollars easily by searching for items that auction seller make mistake in placing their ad. One man lost is another man gain and thats the name of the game. I have done a research on ebay for a while, and you can find it happen almost everyday. I have seen a branded camcorder being sold X amount , less 30% the average selling price of similar items. Imagine you re-list it immediately and sold it for a 30% profit margin without paying for shipping!!
Lets try it now and type camcoder or camcodar or anything you can think of and search through Ebay. I am sure you can get some results. You can also try Ebay UK or other auction house you might get something out of it.
So how can we profit from that? First of all misspell item get less page views, less views means less bid, less bids means low selling price. If there is a bid on one misspell item, do not jump in and throw a bid, that is true even if the item is spelled correctly. Just watch the item patiently for few days and post a bid when it comes to an end. However if the...