You may have put in that bumper sticker on your vehicle for various reasons. You may have simply liked the message that the sticker told the world. Another reason could be that you just would not like to hurt your sons feelings when he presented you with that I Love My Dad bumper sticker on Fathers Day. Or simply because you just were part of that organization whose campaign was to Save The Whales.
No matter what the reason for putting that bumper sticker on your car, it seems like after such a period of time, the message you have stuck on your car seems to have faded already maybe both literally and figuratively. You may not be supporting such a campaign at present anymore. Or maybe, people may not be able to decipher just what your bumper sticker said. Or what it actually tried to say in the first place. It has simply worn off that it just looks like a big piece of paper plastered on your car and you just want to take that off.
You can take off that faded bumper sticker by scraping it off the glass. To do this, you may use a razor blade. But make sure that you use a razor blade only if the bumper sticker has been placed on a window. However, if the sticker...