So, you want to start your own online business? Before you start designing your own website or webpage, make sure that you know all about the dos and dont of starting an online business and that includes the technical, financial and legal matters of the business.
When you decide to start a business, you should be aware and prepared for whatever legal or financial issues that may arise. If you think that you can escape from paying taxes by starting your very own online business, think again – your dreamy balloon may burst once you get into complications regarding taxes and your online business.
The Truth About The Internet Being A Tax-Free Zone
More and more shoppers are getting lured by online shops and retailers because of their famous tag line of “no-tax shopping”. What most people dont know is that that certain tag line used to lure online shoppers is not applicable to all states.
For you to be able to understand this concept better, here is an example: A woman from Indiana regularly purchases exotic orchids through an online shop based on Switzerland.
Since she purchases and sends her payments directly to Switzerland, she...