Tea is more than a beverage it is a way of life that leads to well being and satisfaction and it is healthy and tastes good as well.
To start the day with a steaming cup of your favorite tea puts the rest of the day in a better perspective and to end that day with a final cup makes the experience that much better. In the mind of many tea drinkers the day just seems better with tea in it.
It only follows therefore, that the higher the quality of the tea, the better the experience.
Many people ask what is the best way to have a quality tea experience?
First start with tea that you like. Although tea comes from one plant, there are many varieties of tea depending on how it is processed and whether it is flavored or blended. Country of origin is also important.. In addition tea is grown in many areas of the world under varying conditions so environmental forces are important. Chose a quality tea that not only tastes good but leaves one with a feeling of wellness and contentment.
From quality comes satisfaction and there are many levels of quality. Since tea is a commodity, the price you pay for high quality is usually not significantly more...