Our education begins from the day we’re born. While we don’t immediately plunge into school, we’re constantly exposed to new things that help develop our minds. Academics are only part of our long journey to knowledge.
By the time we enter kindergarten, we are ready to begin the reading and writing aspects, but at a slow and steady pace. Too much too soon can overwhelm and confuse us. When we hit 1st grade, we are more prepared to tackle the nitty gritty. I recall my 1st grade spelling, reading and mathematics, and how they introduced me to a whole new world.
When my daughter was born, I certainly wasn’t thinking about school yet. The formula and diapers kept me pretty preoccupied. Now that she’s seven years old, and in the first grade, academics are a major concern. One thing I noticed right away is that 1st grade spelling and mathematics are slightly different than they used to be. Now this is a good thing.
Schools are constantly pushing our children to learn more at a younger age. The first time my daughter brought home her reading and writing homework, I was amazed at how much she would surely learn the very first year. The...