Teacher As Life Coach Measure, Monitor & Improve Your Students Emotional State & Behavior
Would Columbine have been prevented if there was a means of monitoring the students emotional state? Would you be able to influence the rate of childhood obesity and eating disorders if there was a class on how an emotional state comes about and how to take control of it? Would you be able to reduce teen suicide if students understood how to take control of their subconscious? Would you have more control over your students and reduce disciplinary problems by empowering them to become independent thinkers? Would test scores improve if students were emotionally in control?
The answer to all of these questions is a definitive yes. Everything a human being does in life is emotionally driven. How you feel about everything in your life will determine whether you move toward it or not. If you agree this is true then how much sense does it make to at minimum measure the emotional state of your students? It makes perfect sense to Greg Marth a Special Education teacher who specializes in students with Behavioral Disorders and is now a Certified Life Coach and Lisa Watford...