Not only do truckers drive on the open roads but they also travel down the information super highway! Technology gives truckers a big boost in many areas and has made life a lot easier or at least more tolerable when they are away from home.
Trucking software makes all the bookkeeping and paperwork easier to handle and stay organized. Laptop computers help with keeping in touch with family, friends and even the trucking company they work for. Cell phones and satellite radio help keep an ear open to the world beyond the road well-traveled.
Lets talk some more about these technological tools for truckers these days. Trucking companies are installing more and more Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in their trucks. These little technological wonders are great in providing detailed directions, down to the last turn. However, they are only as good as the trucking software that goes with it. Road conditions, traffic and detours are not updated often enough so truckers run into occasional problems when using their GPS. Overall though, they are worth the expense.
Laptops are more common place these days with truckers. After all, with the internet and email,...