If you are the shortstop of any baseball game, you will want to make sure to not stop short. By understanding your position on the field, you will be able to see the plays through and stop the opponents in their tracks. By knowing some of the techniques to see through with every play, the shortstop will have the ability to run the field against the other team.
The number one rule for any shortstop is to keep communication open with the other players. Shortstops, unlike the players on the bases, have the ability to see the field from a different perspective, giving them the ability to see the entire situation and what needs to be done. Because of this, it will be important for the shortstop to be a link between the second and third bases, as well as see which way the ball needs to go. The shortstop will also need to keep open communication with the pitcher to see what type of ball is being thrown, so there can be anticipation about how to respond. Another communication duty of shortstops is to let others know when they have the ball. Teaching shortstops to say things like “I got it” can help to move the game at an easier pace.
After the shortstop is...