Adolescence is really a time of so many changes. And one of those is that teenagers are seeking to identify who they are as an individual. And a part of that process involves risk taking.
So, the first thing we need to realize is that risk taking is normal at that stage. However, risk taking can be positive such as trying out new sports or creative activities. Or they may be negative and these are the ones we see, notice and really worry about.
And these things may be a risk to their health. You know things like using drugs or alcohol, unprotected sex, staying out late at night and thinking Oh nothing will happen to me, or maybe even staying out all night.
Although a teenager may have the body of an adult its recently been proven that their brain is not fully developed until they’re in their early to mid twenties. I think its about the age of twenty-four in most young people.
So, they dont rationalize what they’re doing. And they have this sense of, this incredible sense of instability with the belief that they wont die until they’re old.
So, parents need to first need to first of all have a look at their risk taking...