Every day is a struggle. No matter what authorized assigns from UNO say, every day is a fight that ends up with a glorious victory of one side and the shameful loss of the others. By struggle or fight we mean not only wars in Iraq, Israel and other countries that are constantly subjected to acts of violation and terrorism; we mean everyday things that also are worth fighting for. An average citizen of a mega polis knows how hard it is to fight ones way in this competitive world. Some individuals count days till their miraculous victory comes and then only feel that their mission is complete. Defeated ones do not get frustrated and live their lives knowing that they are destined to loose and be defeated.
Some people are bathing in the rays of fame after recognized doctoral dissertation and some always stay in the shade as assistants and never complaint on the unfair fate that made them stay unknown for the rest of their lives. There are winners and losers in this world, no matter what they are or who they are. It is quite easy to recognize winners; they are always outstanding from the crowd and possess natural magnetism and exude self-confidence and charm. Losers, on the...