This storytelling thing we do is a powerful medium in our world of images and sound bites. And what better way to transport people into different worlds is through storytelling. Our modern world is built around how many choices we have and how many flavors we can get. Through this medium of storytelling, you can invite those around you to see what you have to offer. Hopefully, some of the following tips will help you on your journey up the Storytelling Mountain.
1. Be Funny – Lighten up! I’ve seen to many storytellers with a bad attitude. You must be fun to be around! Who would want to hire you if you aren’t lively! That’s your job, first and foremost. Storytelling comes second. You don’t want to distract the audience from your program by having a bad attitude. Make a determined effort to stay as sharp as possible.
2. Write it down – One way to stay sharp as a storyteller is to record every funny or interesting thought that comes into your head or out of your mouth. You may want to use a pocket tape recorder, or a notepad, or whatever. Just get it down somewhere. You’ll have time later on to go over this raw stuff and...