Did you know that approximately 70 million Americans may have arthritis in one form or another, and that you may be one of them? Think theres nothing you can do about it? Well, heres some great news! You can act right now to lessen the incidence of arthritis or to reduce the pain and discomfort that typically accompanies the disease. Here are ten simple steps that can improve your health, emotional outlook, and pain level, and generally make it easier to cope with arthritis.
1.Pay attention to symptoms and see your doctor. If you have pain, stiffness or swelling in or around a joint for more than two weeks, it’s time to see your doctor. Only a doctor can tell if it’s arthritis. Write down observations and symptoms as they occur. Put them in your purse or wallet before your next doctors visit. That way, youll have them with you when you see the doctor.
2.Get an accurate diagnosis. You have arthritis” is not a diagnosis. Ask for a specific diagnosis of the type of arthritis you have. There are more than 100 types, and each one requires different treatments. Getting the right treatment requires getting the right diagnosis.
3.Start early....