There are several requirements you must meet when obtaining any kind of insurance. Taking out term life insurance is no exception. For the most part, insurance companies want to make sure you start out healthy before issuing you a policy. Premiums are based on your lifestyle and what your medical history is like. The cost of your premium is based on your age, gender and even occupation. Tobacco use has always been of concern when you are applying for term life insurance.
Tobacco use in any form already sets you apart from non-users. Some insurance companies do not distinguish between the form and frequency of your tobacco use. If you are a person who smokes an occasional cigar you are treated the same as a person who smokes two or three packs of cigarettes per day. Despite this unfair categorization, there are some companies that do make the distinction. The key is to find these select insurance companies that individualize their rates. These select companies base their premiums upon the type of tobacco and frequency of usage. They make a clear distinction between the use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pipes, smokeless tobacco, nicotine gum, marijuana or a...