Texas Schools have the results for this years Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), and theyre pretty good. With a few exceptions most grade levels showed an increase in the number of Texas Schools students passing the exams. The test is given each year to all Texan Schools children in grades 3 to 12. Passing the test is a requirement for promotion for several grades.
The passing scores on the tests as a whole are enough to make Texas Schools proud: 89% of fifth grade students passed the reading exam, 85% passed in math, and 77% passed in science. There was also a seven-point increase in the number of Texas Schools fifth graders who earned the Commendation Performance by answering at least 37 of the 40 questions correctly.
This is neither the most encouraging news, nor the only side of the story. Texas Schools are most pleased by the improvement of the seventh grade class. This grade has been the group under the most pressure from the state. It started when they were the first grade level required to pass the TAKS for promotion to fourth grade. And it will continue to be scrutinized this year as Texas Schools and state law require passing TAKS scores...