The 3 Little Things You Do That Mean A Lot In Your Family Daycare
Have you ever noticed that when you visit a business you can just tell that every little detail is well thought out? That customers are appreciated, cared for, or maybe even loved.
This is very true especially for some major corporations in the United States for example, Disney. When visiting a Disney Theme Park youll never notice anyone working on the grounds maintenance during the day. All work, including cleaning, planting and water flowers is done at night. After the park closes massive flood lights go on so that all the workers can complete maintance at night. Why do they do this you ask? Well, because Disney Theme Parks are all about the illusion of happiness and escaping from the real world. Everyone is always friendly and there to help the visitor.
Getting back to family daycare how can you do the little things that mean a lot to your customer? Another thing to think about is, how can you set yourself apart from the daycare down the block?
Tip #1
Make Birthdays for your daycare children a BIG deal: Each time a child in your daycare has a birthday, especially the 1st make...